Wednesday, August 24, 2016


 Janet woke up in a haze, in a cave, in the middle of the Amazon. She couldn't move, she couldn't act, or even think clearly. She was only a passive observer in her own body. She was tied to a chair in the middle of the cave, facing the entrance. At the entrance to the cave stood an armed guard, to keep her from getting out, or anyone else from getting in.

Outside of the cave, Philip sat, holding his tablet-computer with a satellite antennae. He was in a video conference with Rebecca, the acting president of Redmond Enterprise. Philip worked with Redmond Enterprises as the director of their "Project NOVUS": a top-secret division dedicated to the research of "novus" particles and developing their application in the macro-realm.

"I noticed that you brought my particle re-constructor with you, on your little trip to the Amazon."

"All to your benefit," he said. "I have found a new energy signature here, which I am looking to reconstruct. It will be useful back at Project NOVUS."

"Listen Philip, we need you working here with us. You are spending too much time with your own company and these global excursions."

Philip chuckled, "You will never find a replacement for me. I run the Project from everywhere. I defy you to find me one person in the world who will be able to take my place. Is that all that you called me for? I'm busy."

"You've been taking a lot of our equipment lately. You've used our carbon-fiber material to make your indestructible trench coat. You have our energy field projectors, the energy pistol."

"All things that I've compensated you handsomely for, and this will be no different. I'm researching a new energy signature, which we can find application for back at the lab."

"We will discuss this, when you are back here tomorrow. And if you are not back here, we will find you."

Philip only smirked at Rebecca's empty threat. He turned off the tablet, and entered the cave. Standing in the entrance of the cave, his figure was masked in the shadows. Only his menacing grin could be seen.

In the center of the cave sat Janet. She was in a hypnotic trance, unable to move or use her powers. There was a spotlight-esque device pointed at her, the particle re-constructor, scanning her sub-atomic particles, to reconstruct a replica later.

He couldn't believe that Doc had succeeded in creating a synthetic superhuman. Philip had tried many times and failed. Finally, he could create his own synthetic superhuman, to sell on the black-market.

As the re-constructor powered down, he pulled up a chair next to Janet. He pulled in close, uncomfortably close. Right next to her ear. She would have killed him if she wasn't in a trance.

"When I leave, you won't remember any of this," he said.

Her face remained in a trance-like state.

"What is the thing that you want more than anything."

She, of course, didn't reply. He pulled out a bright light, and shined it towards her. Not enough to blind her, but enough to see her face.

"All right, let's begin the questioning."

He whispered in her ear, and watched her face for sub-conscious expressions. She never verbally responded, but he could read her face like a book. He asked a methodically selected set of questions, to find her own psychological pressure points.

Zack landed in the middle of a small village, to find huts ablaze, and Janet standing in the middle of it all. Villagers ran in panic, but one stopped as he unfortunately ran right into Janet. Her eyes were dead, but couldn't be seen through the sunglasses. She pointed her hand at him, as it began to glow. Zack fired a concussive blast at Janet, sending her flying backwards. The poor villager ran away. Now Zack had Janet's attention.

She flew straight into Zack, who emitted a force field to protect himself from an impact that would have otherwise knocked the wind out of him. Zack expanded the force field to an orb surrounding him. Janet continued to barrage the orb with energy blasts. Zack could see that her eyes were dead inside. There wasn't the life in them that there usually was.

Her whole body started to glow. She was about to project a destructive blast that could level the whole Amazon. He projected his force field around her. The explosion was contained. However, the oxygen inside the orb was quickly used up. Janet passed out on the floor.

"Alright Doc," Zack said, "take us up."

Zack grabbed Janet and they disappeared in a flash of light.

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