Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Maria Wright

Maria Wright was a beautiful, young lady. Tall, with long thin legs, flowing black hair, and alluring dark eyes. She was modest, not just in her dress, but also that she didn't look threatening. She just happened to walk into the wrong alley at the wrong time.

Men came out of the shadows to meet her, with... less than well intentions. One pulled a gun, and the others pulled knives out. Maria charged the gun-man. He was shocked at first, but then pulled the trigger. Maria flew backwards. Her body dropped to the floor, a gaping hole in her forehead. The men gathered around to loot through her stuff and leave. They opened up her purse to find nothing but trash.

Then, in an instant, the hole in her forehead was gone. She leapt up, and slipped two knifes out of her sleeves. The knives were lodged into the two biggest men. A well-placed kick in high-heels put out the gunman's eyes. Maria took the gun, broke the gun-man's hand, and disassembled the gun. He swung at her with his remaining hand. She grabbed that arm, and with surprising speed and strength, twisted it behind his back. She pulled it up, breaking it. Another man approached her, and she punched him in the face.

He recovered immediately, and put his fists up. Maria decided to show off her kick-boxing training. He swung first this time, missed and left his face wide open. She took the shot, and several subsequent shots. A few well-placed kicks and her opponent dropped to the ground. Another opponent rushed her, and she jumped up, catching onto the fire escape. She pulled herself up a bit, and kicked him in the face. He jumped, and followed her up the fire-escape. She stood at the top of the fire escape and waited for him. He rushed at her, but she simply stepped out of the way. He grabbed her, but she pushed him against the low railing. He was dangerously close to dropping.

With a simple push from Maria, they both plunged to the ground. Maria land on her attacker, who was dead. Her bones, which had broken, instantly began to heal. She stood to face her final opponent.

He pulled a knife, she grabbed the blade, then his wrist. In one fluid motion, she turned the knife in on the attacker, lodging it into his shoulder. Then she punched his lights out.

Maria stood in the middle of the scene. When she heard the sirens running, she grabbed the shoe out of the one attacker's' eyes, and then another shoe, and she fled the scene.

Was this the scene of an attempted rape and mugging that was thwarted, or the scene of a murder? Was this young woman in the wrong place, at the wrong time? Or had she intended to do this all along?

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